Everything you need to know about Homeschooling your Child

Everything you need to know about Homeschooling your Child


The global COVID-19 pandemic sparked renewed interest in home schooling, and interest in alternative school methods suddenly exploded. In an unprecedented environment, it is clear that families are looking for solutions that reliably meet their health and safety needs, childcare needs, learning needs, and take care of children’s social emotions. 

Students, parents and educators around the world are feeling the unexpected ripple effects of the COVID-19 pandemic as schools close in response to the global pandemic. While nations are doing their best to fight the epidemic, the education system is still trying to continue to provide quality education all these days during this difficult time. Many students in the home/living space experience psychological and emotional distress and are unable to participate effectively. Online homeschooling best practices remain unexplored, and it is still to be seen whether homeschooling and other mitigations can prevent student delays. In this situation, Preschool at home provides a unique solution for our young ones.

What is homeschooling?

Home schooling essentially means teaching children at home rather than sending them to school. This means that parents take full responsibility for raising, educating and preparing their children for the real world. In home schooling, children’s school timetables and curricula are determined by parents and can be adapted according to their strengths and weaknesses.

This is a national and global growth campaign that parents teach their children at home. The biggest reason for choosing home schooling in India and around the world today is the coronavirus pandemic. The flexibility provided by homeschooling has both advantages and disadvantages, so be sure to do your research when deciding the best preschool at home.

Benefits of Homeschooling:

  •     Each child is unique in their own individual way. Homeschooling allows parents to design the curriculum according to their students’ abilities and interests.
  •     Careless learning requirements are reduced. Children learn the materials they are learning thoroughly and are interested in.
  •     Encouraging preschool at home will also put pressure on mainstream schools to transform their educational system and improve the way that they have been doing things.
  •     Children can be weak in one subject, but effective in another. Therefore, parents can choose the right material for their children by closely observing what their children do.
  •     There are now many ways to get things done in homeschooling because of the Internet revolution. YouTube offers several channels to help children learn on their own that are both informational and entertaining.

 Disadvantages of Homeschooling:

  •     Homeschoolers rarely meet other students at home from time to time and experience a decrease in essential social skills, becoming introverted towards work and university, and lose self-confidence
  •     Parents can be experts in one area, but not all. Not all parents provide the kind of education that schools do.
  •     Working parents or parents with multiple children can find it hard to devote time.

With the emergence of online media, parents are discovering more and more homeschooling tips that are enabling them to utilise the potential of this untapped alternative education method.


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