Ayden Hector – Importance of Football on Students Health

Ayden Hector – Importance of Football on Students Health


All work and no play make Jack a dull boy. This adage is not only for little children; it also applies to adults and the youth. Students should be encouraged to play sports as much as possible as it is the only way that will make them exercise daily.

Ayden Hector – Boost physical stamina and mental agility

Ayden Hector from Bellevue in Wash is an avid fan of American football. He is a cornerback and has been fond of the sport ever since he was with Eastside Catholic High School. He says football has a number of mental and physical benefits to everyone. If you want to boost physical strength and mental agility, playing football as a regular sport largely helps you. You not only get the opportunity to boost strength and stamina, but you become physically flexible and keep obesity at bay.

Say goodbye to depression and anxiety

In fact, he adds that if you play football daily, it reduces stress and depression. Students are often faced with disappointments, especially in education, and this can be a root cause of depression. Playing football or, for that matter, any sort of sport will alleviate stress in students. They are likely to get out of depression and fall prey to the ills of drugs and alcohol abuse. Many students have embraced substance abuse due to the fact that they do not know how to manage depression, stress, and anxiety positively.

Reduce cortisol levels in the body

When you play football or any kind of sport, you can reduce the stress hormones known as cortisol in the body. Endorphins help you to alleviate stress and keep depression at bay. You effectively are able to boost your mind-body concentration in the classroom and at home. Football is a sport that has a mixture of muscle strengthening and aerobic exercises that keep your mental faculties sharp. You can exercise good judgment techniques and critical thinking. Your academic performance improves, and the habit of playing football with your teammates help you to grow up into a responsible and well-balanced person.

Playing with your team helps you face the challenges of the game with a good spirit. This means you are able to connect with your teammates and enjoy victories and losses with them together. The unique opportunity of playing football helps you to improve your relations with friends and family. This experience extends to society, as well.

Boost your self-esteem and confidence

When you play football, you are able to boost your confidence and self-esteem as well. When you participate in sports, you are able to set out both team and individual goals. Your goals will be focused on winning the match, making a better score, giving your best performance on the field, and more. The accomplishments you enjoy along the way helps you to boost your self-worth and confidence.

Ayden Hector says that when it comes to football, parents should encourage children to play it too. Getting into team sports will surely boost their overall growth and confidence with success!



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